Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My First Paper Kit!

Ta-Da! Here it is! My first package of digital backgrounds. I have been teaching myself how to create my own stuff for another project and thought why not create things I can use and share with all my friends.

I love blues and browns. They are very soothing colors for me and make me think of spending the day at the spa. I wish I could go more often. If you would like to download this kit, click here. If you create a page with my stuff, send me a link to your gallery or email it to me so I can check it out! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Designing My Own Stuff!

Recently, I have been pushing myself a little more to learn techniques that will allow me to design some of my own stuff. My mind is constantly in this design mode and my kids see me writing down notes on little pieces of paper as the inspiration comes. It has been fun to see what I can actually come up with. Some stuff ends up in the trash, other stuff gets redone until I am happy with it. All of this made me think about the creative process. Odds are if you are into digitial scrapbooking you have some sort of creative bone in your body. The process of creating something speaks to your inner you. It is satisfying to create something. It is part of you coming out and becomes something personal. I love looking at other people's layouts and seeing their personality come out through color and style. I hope that by next week I will have a few backgrounds designed that I can share with you. Be kind. They aren't over the top, just simple like me. Then maybe you can do a layout with them and share it with me! I would love to see it!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Just The Right Brush!

Brushes have to be one of the coolest tools out there to scrapbook with digitally. Whenever I feel there is something missing on my page I look to brushes to fill the void. They can be used to accent something or add dimension without overpowering your layout. Even better, when you can't find the brush you are looking for, you can make one yourself! I did just that when designing my header for this page. I wanted some really cool items between my catchy words. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted. So, I took some pictures and made them in to brushes. The best part of brushes is the experimenting with them anyway you feel like and then being able to undo them if it doesn't turn out. Not like real stamps that make you start all over after making a mistake. This is one of my favorite LO using brushes. I used swirls and grunge brushes to reach this effect. You might think that swirls and grunge wouldn't go well together but opposites attract and I think provide great contrast!